Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A little though about purchase.

So I been hanging out at Purchase for a while, I have noticed many things. Why do the almost all the film majors automatically grow beards and mustaches. Almost all the files majors I have seen look like they just woke up out of bed ( excluding the girls). Just a little though, although I am exaggerating a bit here.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Terra Ve

Ok Soo it did take me a really long time, here is Purchases Terra Ve. Basically this place serves no meat, so its a place to eat for students who are vegetarian. As a commuter, I usually come here to eat my food and relax. The place looks really nice. It had a good amount room for students to eat. It kinda reminded me of this diner back in Yonkers. Its a really nice place for students to come and hang out with their friends to eat and chill.

So I promise that my next posts are going to be much quicker. I am going to add the Hub and the Dining Hall next with pictures ofcourse. Those are the other two spots on campus that students can eat and relax.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What to do.

So I have been pretty lazy with this blog. Now I am gona get it up and running.
I have been thinking about how to do this blog and I got some things in mind.
I made the blog with the purpose of describing my computer experience and the
Purchase campus it self. I have decided to take pictures of the almost every part
of the campus and describe what it is that I am taking pictures off. At the same time
I am gona related it to my commuting experience.

I am going to start with Terra Ve. The next post is going to include some pictures,
and I am going to describe what Terra Ve is. So stay tuned :)